Sunday, June 12, 2011

Break from my Resoltion

I'm taking a break from my wine resolution right now. Partially because I didn't know which country to pick this month, and partially because I'm trying to not spend money on frivolous things for a while. (See, I just bought a Vespa and would really like to get my debt paid off ASAP...)

So, that means, for the month of June, I can buy whatever wine I want.

I was at a race last month, and asked someone on my team to just pick me up a bottle of red, whatever she felt like. I gave her $20. She got me a bottle of Wolfblass something or other. It was a cab sauv blend, and it was GOOD. It was something I wouldn't have normally picked up with my resolution since I was trying to try NEW brands. Well, new to me. But it was good. Have I mentioned that it was good?

After that, I picked up a bottle - a cab sauv - from South Africa. I thought maybe South Africa would be my country for June. It wasn't good. So, I decided I was going to just buy whatever bottle I want, when I want it, in June. See, the sun is out (sometimes) and I don't always feel like wine. Sometimes in June, I just want a beer after work. And picking wines for my resolution was starting to feel like work. Whenever wine feels like work, that's just wrong...

On Friday, I decided I wanted to get a nice bottle of wine for the weekend. I stopped at the little NSLC at the ferry, and wanted to get a bottle of that Chilean Trio that I'd had in the winter. I'd loved it so much. So, I picked up a bottle and opened it Friday night. On the first sip, I thought "huh, this isn't nearly as good as I remember." I had another glass last night, two, actually, and enjoyed it a bit more, but wondered if I actually got the wrong bottle.

So, in my post from February, I wrote about the Concha Y Toro Trio Reserva Cab Sauv, Shiraz, Cab Franc, 2008. And, looking at the (empty) bottle on my table, I have the Concha Y Toro Trio Reserva MERLOT, Carmenere, Cab Sauv. Ding ding ding!!! That's why it isn't as good as I remembered! It's not the same wine! Yep, sticking with my opinion of merlots... Not my fave. Though this wine is not bad. Just not as fruity as I like. 

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