Monday, May 28, 2012

Cabot Trail Relay 2012 - Leg 7

This was my 6th year running a leg of the Cabot Trail Relay. In the past, I've run legs 1, 3, 8, 15, & 16. Now I can add leg 7.

The elevation profile from my garmin 
I knew that the first 5-8k was uphill, gaining 100m elevation, so thought I'd start slow, ideally about 6:30/km as I knew I could make it up on the downs. I had no idea what I was in for. By 3k, I gave up on the idea of hitting the mats as my hamstrings were already dying. I took a walk break at 2k, then thought "I'll just take one every 2k up the hill" and then that didn't work - took a few more.

I'd pass runners, saying "I think we deserve a downhill soon," and then it came!!! I LOVED the downhill. I just flew. I looked at my garmin many times and saw it flashing a 4:40 pace down those hills on the fun parts. (For me, that was super fast - my usual "race pace" is just around/under 6:00/km.) I knew it would come back to get me, but I couldn't slow down. I knew I still had a chance to hit the mats. I had no idea that it would basically be 5k up hill, then 5k down hill.

After 10k, it got HARD. The little ups started again, then more down. The quads were beat. Luckily, at 10k, my support crew were there to give me some water and give me an excuse to walk. I took a few walks when I needed them, knowing I still had to finish on an uphill.

At around 13k, I got to the washed out bridge and knew I just had to turn the corner and run up the hill. Another runner and I kept passing each other and were pretty much together from 10k on. I took a little walk, and she passed and tapped my back and yelled "Come on!" I said "I am. But I need to catch my breath for that last up hill!" I then started running and she walked. I said "Now YOU come on!" and she did. She was on my heels and just as we got to the old finish (400m to go) the next leg of the race started. "Damn," I heard her say. I was thankful to have her there for the last of the race. It often happens, meeting a runner on the road and using them to help you along. I wanted to thank her and say hi after, but I didn't see her again. I only knew her from the back as the girl in the lululemon shorts with the brown ponytail.

I ran. I saw Trish, who was road crew, and heard her yell SO loudly "COME ON, ANG! RUN!" I yelled back "I am!" and tried to run faster! The mats were already folded up. Boo. But, I at least SAW them. I got an official time. I got my hug from Trish before she had to leave for the next leg. I did all I could do that race.

I came in 48th out of 70. That's a good placement for me! The official results say I ran 1:20:03 for 13.5k for a pace of 5:56.

It's done. I'm content, but still have to go back to get across the mats another year, before they are pulled up. This is the closest I've come to crossing the mats in the six years I've run this race. Next year....

Garmin Splits in min/km:

5-6:31 (31:58 5k)
10-5:23 (58:38 10k - 7 seconds off my 10k PB, making the second 5k a new unofficial PB of 26:40!)
0.37k in 2:12

Total = 13.37 in 1:20 = 5:59 pace


  1. Look at those 5:03 and 5:02 kms! YOU GO, GIRL!

    I see a 55:00 10k in your future. Soon.

  2. I just need a downhill 10k race! Then I could get a 55, no problem! We'll see what this fall has in store for me.

  3. Loved reading this! It makes me SO excited to start running again (Soon! Will talk to doc about it in 2 weeks!). I got a Garmin in Feb for my birthday and it is like have a toy for months that I haven't been able to play with! (Note: I assume it is much easier to be excited about running when I don't actually have to find the time or the effort to get out there and run!)

    Good for you for doing this! :)

    1. You'll have fun with the Garmin, Laura! And once you can find the time again, I'm sure you'll like the run time to yourself! That's what my mommy running friends always say, anyway!

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