Sunday, May 29, 2011

Quest to Hit the Mats

Cabot Trail weekend is always fun. Since the timing mats need to be moved from one leg to the next, you have approximately 6:00 per kilometer to get an official time before the truck leaves, at which point you get a "DNF" time, which is counted as the last person's time + 5 minutes. This would be my 5th time running, and I wanted to hit the mats for the first time. 

I've been training since January for this race. I've gotten to be a lot stronger since I did CTRR 2 years ago. I co-captained my team again this year, and wanted to get my leg done early so I could enjoy the rest of the weekend with my team. I did. GREAT weekend. So proud of my team. The old faithfuls were great to catch up with, and the new runners to the team became new friends. 

This year, I chose Leg 1 - 3.5/5 difficulty, 17km. Goal time was 1:42, whisper goal was 1:40 (which is when the next leg started). My splits tell the story.... 

1- 5:20 - nice downhill on the start, oh sh!t, I hope that doesn't come back to bite me. 
2- 5:36 - comfortable pace, keeping up with a few people in the group.
3- 5:55 - slow down a bit, that's more like it.
4- 6:03 
5- 5:32 
6- 6:16
7- 6:03 - gel/walk break
8- 7:10 - What the what???? This hill does NOT end. Pain starts in my hip, glute, and hangs the rest of the race
9- 5:41 - that's better
10- 5:43
11- 5:59
12- 6:50 - hmmm, getting tired. Walked a bit extra, tried to stretch out the pain in my glute
13- 5:54 - gel break
14- 6:10
15- 6:50 - mentally broken, walk break, not going to hit the mats, upset, walk to catch my breath
16- 6:23 - defeated and crushed that I wasn't going to make it, but going to try
17- 5:27 - tough km, I was back, and not giving up - too bad this didn't happen a little earlier.... 

Totals 1:43:17 for 17.08k, 6:03 pace. Official time 1:43:29, pace 6:06. 

Yes, OFFICIAL TIME! The mats were pulled up, but the truck was still there. I got the last official time on the leg. The rest got my time +5! The timing guy, as I raced in the finish area put his hand on my shoulder, and said "Don't worry, I got you." I missed my goal time, but, I improved a lot. 

So, I am half happy. I got an official time, but I still didn't cross the mats. Overall, I'm pleased as this was a bit tougher of a leg. The hills, other than that one LONG one, didn't bother me. The training paid off. I'll keep working on mental toughness, and I WILL get the mats one of these times.


  1. Well done, I remember the hill that never ends, almost killed me 2 years ago.

  2. A 6min/km pace is awesome for that run! Good job Ange
