Monday, March 14, 2011

Training, Weeks 5, 6, 7

I guess I got a bit behind in blogging about my running. Oops.

Week 5, I actually missed a few runs. I ran 4k tempos both Tuesday and Wednesday with an average pace of 5:51 & 5:53, same route. Then Thursday came, and it was only supposed to be a 3k run, and I was tired. So, I skipped it, went home and fell asleep at 7:00 on the couch, and went to bed at 8. I skipped the Saturday 3k as well. Sunday, I did a 10k long run with a new running group in my neighbourhood. It was a nice, slow average pace of 7:15.

Week 6 was tough. My Tuesday tempo run hurt right from the start. In the first kilometer, I had shin splints in my left leg and a cramp in my right quad. I walked after the first kilometer, and walked up a hill. It was supposed to be a 5k run, and I just called it quits at 4k. Average pace ended up being 6:21. The goal is always 5:55 on tempo runs. Then the next night, it was a 3k tempo, and I ran with my clinic. The leader wasn't there so we had someone else lead us. Their pace was not on, so it was a slower run, but it was fun. I ran back to my office after, so total of 3.7k at 6:09 average pace. Thursday was an easy 4k at 6:30 pace. I skipped Saturday again, and finished with a tough 10k slow run at 6:43 pace with the clinic.

A long run should be run at an easy pace. At the 10k distance, it's not a big issue, but when our long runs get longer, which they will soon, it is going to be a problem if I run them too fast. You should not be winded on a long run, and you should not be exhausted when you're done. The last few times that I've run with the clinic, I've been slightly winded and really tired after my run. My ego is having a hard time accepting that I should be running with the slower pace group on Sundays. The quicker runs are the perfect pace for me, but the Sunday runs are slightly too fast for me. The problem is that the slower group runs their slow runs a lot slower, at about a 7:30 pace. So, we'll see what I do in the future.

Week 7 was the switch from double tempo runs to tempo and hills! Yay! Luckily, the running group near me is also running hills on Wednesdays so I have two groups that I can run hills with if I want the company. Tuesday's 4k tempo this week was run at home, after work. That was a nice change. It was a good run with an average pace of 5:37!!! I was beat after the run, but it was good. Then Wednesday was 4 hill repeats. The hill was 550 metres long, and ended up with a total of 8k including warm up and cool down. Both Thursday and Saturday were easy runs with 5k at a 6:40 pace, and 3k at a 6:38 pace. Sunday was 10k again. Now, I ran this one with the group near home and ran most of it alone. My average pace was 6:39.

So, last week, 6:43 felt too fast, but yesterday I ran 6:39? I'm not sure what was up with that. The only thing I can think of is that I was not feeling great yesterday, so I didn't notice that the run was too fast, or that I was running alone and not talking, so didn't notice my breathing. I'm not sure. And since I'm home sick from work today, I must have been fighting something yesterday on the run as well. That's why I was not feeling great. You'd think that would have made the run even slower, not faster. Anyway. I can't figure it out.

Onto week 8.

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